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After running one of the earliest mutual funds focused exclusively on the emerging Internet economy, Ryan Jacob struck out on his own in 1999 to found the eponymous firm. Today, Jacob Asset Management (JAM) is based in Los Angeles, California, with offices in Hermosa Beach and New York. The firm provides investment solutions for both retail and institutional clients through three distinct mutual funds – Jacob Internet Fund (JAMFX), Jacob Small Cap Growth Fund (JSCGX), and Jacob Discovery Fund (JMCGX).

With varied backgrounds and an average 25+ years of investment experience, JAM’s portfolio managers provide insights and expertise into the Internet and technology sectors, as well an increasing number of other industries. Fine-tuning a proprietary investment process over the years, JAM now offers funds which include a wide range of sectors and market capitalizations. But the goal at Jacob Asset Management remains what it was the first day Ryan Jacob opened the company’s doors: find unique, exciting and enduring companies that have the potential to create significant value for both the global economy and their investors.


Please note that the Jacob Funds referred to in this website are offered and sold only to United States residents, and the information on this website is intended only for such people. The Fund is not offered for sale in countries other than the U.S. and its territories. This website should not be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell shares of the Jacob Funds in any jurisdiction where it would be unlawful under the securities law of that jurisdiction.
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Important Risk Information

Carefully consider the Funds' investment objectives, risk factors, charges, and expenses before investing. This and additional information can be found by downloading the Mutual Funds Prospectus or calling 888.522.6239 for a hard copy. Read the prospectus carefully before investing.

Important Risk Information

Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.

Investments made in smaller capitalized or unseasoned companies may be more volatile and less liquid due to limited resources or product lines and are more sensitive to economic factors. Investments in micro-capitalization companies may involve greater risks, as these companies tend to have limited product lines, markets and financial or managerial resources. Microcap stocks often also have a more limited trading market, such that the Adviser may not be able to sell stocks at an optimal time or price. In addition, less frequently-traded securities may be subject to more abrupt price movements than securities of larger capitalized companies. The risks of investing in foreign companies, including those located in emerging market countries, can increase the potential for losses in the Funds and may include currency fluctuations, political and economic instability, less government regulation, less publicly available information, limited trading markets, differences in financial reporting standards, including recordkeeping standards and less stringent regulation of securities markets.

The Internet Fund may invest in debt securities which typically decrease in value when interest rates rise. This risk is usually greater for longer-term debt securities. There are risks inherent in investing in the Internet area, particularly with respect to smaller capitalized companies and the high volatility of Internet stocks.

Please see the prospectus for details of these and other risks involved with investing in the Funds.

Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment loss.

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